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Weiterbildung im Bereich Sun auf www.jobbörse.de

63 Sun Weiterbildungen auf Jobbörse.de

You are not alone in your loneliness | Jonny Sun merken
You are not alone in your loneliness | Jonny Sun

TEDtalks | bundesweit

Ted Talk: Being open and vulnerable with your loneliness, sadness and fear can help you find comfort and feel less alone, says writer and artist Jonny Sun. In an honest talk filled with his signature illustrations, Sun shares how telling stories about feeling like an outsider helped him tap into an unexpected community and find a tiny sliver of light in the darkness. Get TED Talks recommended just for you! Learn more at https://www.ted.com/signup. The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). +

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Joy Sun: Should you donate differently? merken
Joy Sun: Should you donate differently?

TEDtalks | bundesweit

Ted Talk: Technology allows us to give cash directly to the poorest people on the planet. Should we do it? In this thought-provoking talk, veteran aid worker Joy Sun explores two ways to help the poor. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www~ted~com/translate Follow TED news on Twitter: http://www~twitter~com/tednews Like TED on Facebook: https://www~facebook~com/TED Subscribe to our channel: http://www~youtube~com/user/TEDtalks Director. Topics: ["TEDTalk", "TEDTalks", "TED Talk", "TED Talks", "TED", "TED@NYC", "aid", "global issues", "money", "Joy Sun"]. Duration: Duration minutes: 7~ Duration seconds: 40. +

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Richard Weller: Could the sun be good for your heart? merken
Richard Weller: Could the sun be good for your heart?

TEDtalks | bundesweit

Ted Talk: Our bodies get Vitamin D from the sun, but as dermatologist Richard Weller suggests, sunlight may confer another surprising benefit too. New research by his team shows that nitric oxide, a chemical transmitter stored in huge reserves in the skin, can be released by UV light, to great benefit for blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. What does it mean? Well, it might begin to explain why Scots get sick more than Australians: TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). +

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The enchanting music of sign language | Christine Sun Kim merken
The enchanting music of sign language | Christine Sun Kim

TEDtalks | bundesweit

Through her art, she discovered similarities between American Sign Language and music, and she realized that sound doesn't have to be known solely through the ears — it can be felt, seen and experienced as an idea. In this endearing talk, she invites us to open our eyes and ears and participate in the rich treasure of visual language. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. +

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The Sun and the Total Eclipse of August 2017 merken
The Sun and the Total Eclipse of August 2017

Coursera (CC) | Mountain View, CA

About this course: A total eclipse is one of the most spectacular sights you can ever see! It looks like the end of the world may be at hand. There is a black hole in the sky where the sun should be. Pink flames of solar prominences and long silver streamers of the sun's corona stretch across the sky. It gets cold, and animals do strange things. People scream and shout and cheer, and remember the experience their whole life. But total eclipses are important scientifically as well. They let us see parts of the sun’s atmosphere that are otherwise invisible. +

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IT Essentials (for non IT-Professionals) [GKITESS] merken
IT Essentials (for non IT-Professionals) [GKITESS]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. | Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTRE

OVERVIEW: Nederlands: IT’ers zijn geneigd te spreken in hun eigen “taal”, waardoor het soms moeilijk te begrijpen is waar het over gaat. Dat kan behoorlijk frustrerend zijn. In deze IT Essentials training leert u de “taal” en terminologie van IT professionals. Deze IT Essentials training verklaart de basis van Informatie Technologie: Van ruwe data naar informatie. De laatste trends in IT zoals Big Data en IoT (Internet of Things) worden toegelicht. De klassikale IT Essentials training die bedoeld is voor professionals met weinig IT achtergrond bestaat uit 4 modules van 4 uur. English: IT people tend to speak in their own "language", which makes it difficult sometimes to understand what it is all about. +

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Training LDAP merken
Training LDAP

Eduvision Fort- & Weiterbildung | Düsseldorf

Training LDAP: Im Training LDAP erhalten Sie zunächst eine theoretische Übersicht, um daraufhin die erworbenen Kenntnisse in der Praxis anzuwenden. Sie beschäftigen sich u.a. mit der Installation und Konfiguration eines LDAP Servers, sowie der allgemeinen Theorie zu Directories und Directory Servern. Ihr Trainer: Fachexperte aus der Praxis: Um Praxisnähe und Aktualität zu garantieren, arbeitet Eduvision ausschließlich mit Dozenten, die den Fachbereich zu ihrer Berufspraxis gemacht haben. Sie sind als Experten auf dem Markt aktiv und teilen ihre Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen über die fachspezifischen Techniken, Entwicklungen und wichtigsten Tricks gerne mit Ihnen. Warum Eduvision? Starker Praxisbezug: Dozenten und Aufträge aus der Praxis; Seit über 10 Jahren aktiv: 25.000 Kursteilnehmer gingen Ihnen voraus! +

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Sicherheit und Kryptographie in Java merken
Sicherheit und Kryptographie in Java

PROTRANET GmbH | München, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Köln, Münster, Stuttgart, Augsburg

In diesem Training sind folgende Themen vorgesehen: Java Sicherheitskonzept -- Protection Domains -- Java Security-API -- Permission-Klassen -- Principal und Credential -- Java Authentication und Authorization Service -- Login Module, Login Context und Callback Handler -- Eigene Permission-Klassen -- Privileged Actions -- Guarded Objects -- Java Secure Socket Extension; Konfiguration der Laufzeitumgebung -- Policy-Files C -- Codebase -- Konfigurieren der Benutzerdatenbank -- Schlüssel und Zertifikate -- Anbindung an Benutzerverwaltungen; Security-Werkzeuge der JSE -- keytool -- policytool -- jarsigner; Einführung in die Verschlüsselung -- Symmetrische und asymmetrische Kryptographie-Algorithmen -- Öffentliche und private Schlüssel -- Zertifikate J -- Java Cryptographie-API -- Cipher und Message Digest S -- Sealed Objects -- Schlüsseltausch -- Aufbau der sicheren Verbindung; Security Praxis -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) und Transport Layer Security (TLS) -- Server-Zertifikate -- Security-Provider -- Default-Implementierung von Sun -- Installation und Konfiguration eigener Provider; JEE-Security -- Client- und Server-Authentifizierung -- Single Sign-On -- Deklarative Security im Applikationsserver -- Anmeldung über den Web Container -- Benutzer und Enterprise Bean-Schicht -- Authentifizierung beim Enterprise Information System. +

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Java Programmierung merken
Java Programmierung

Lernen im Internet | Berlin

Sie lernen: Java Programme zu entwerfen und in Programmcode umzusetzen. Der Kurs gibt Ihnen die Anleitung und Einführung in Begriffe und Strukturen von Java (Klassen, Objekte, Datentypen). Sie lernen Programmfehler abzufangen um ein stabil laufendes Programm zu erstellen. Sie erarbeiten schrittweise und verständlich die Grundlagen zur Programmierung von Java. Sie lernen die OOP (objektorientierte Programmierung). Förderung durch Bildungsgutschein; Dieser Kurs ist AZAV zertifiziert und kann zu 100% durch die Agentur für Arbeit oder Jobcenter gefördert werden. Bei Fragen rufen Sie uns an oder schicken uns eine Nachricht. Zielgruppe: Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die den Einstieg in Java suchen und eigene Programme und Anwendungen programmieren wollen (Programmierer, Webmaster, IT-Fachkräfte). +

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Spectacular, glorious, musical wizardry | Jacob Collier merken
Spectacular, glorious, musical wizardry | Jacob Collier

TEDtalks | bundesweit

From his home in London, Jacob Collier showcases his virtuosic vocal, piano and guitar skills in an enrapturing five-song set. Stick around to hear him premiere a new original track, "The Sun Is in Your Eyes," and sing a gorgeous rendition of "Danny Boy." The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. You're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know. +

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