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Weiterbildung im Bereich Hindi auf www.jobbörse.de

7 Hindi Weiterbildungen auf Jobbörse.de

Interkulturelles Training Indien merken
Interkulturelles Training Indien

intercultures Stefan Meister | Zoom

Unser Interkulturelles Indien-Training beschäftigt sich mit folgenden Themen: Kühe, Kaste, Karma: Indische Kultur und moderne Werte; Indische Geschäftskultur: Rolle der Führung, Bedeutung der Hierarchie, Mitarbeiter_innenmotivation, Delegieren und Follow-ups, Umgang mit Feedback, Kritik und Konfliktmanagement; Indische Kommunikation verstehen: Wann ist ein „ja“ eigentlich ein „nein“, Beziehungen und Vertrauen aufbauen; Tipps vor Ort für Geschäftsreisen: Besprechungen, Präsentationen, Gesundheit und Sicherheit; Strategien und neue Perspektiven für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Methoden: Interaktiv lernen mit allen Sinnen; Praxisbeispiele unterstützt durch Theorie; Fallstudien sowie Partner- und Gruppenübungen; Bilder und kurze Videos. Nutzen: Kulturelle Barrieren im Geschäftsleben erkennen, verstehen und als Chance nutzen; Mehr Vertrauen in eigene Handlungsmöglichkeiten gewinnen; Die Kommunikation mit indischen Kolleg_innen und Kund_innen verbessern; Mehr Erfolg in der Zusammenarbeit, gemeinsame Ziele erreichen. +

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Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan merken
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan

TEDtalks | bundesweit

Ted Talk: "I sell dreams, and I peddle love to millions of people," says Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood's biggest star. In this charming, funny talk, Khan traces the arc of his life, showcases a few of his famous dance moves and shares hard-earned wisdom from a life spent in the spotlight. Full English and Hindi subtitles are available for this talk. Click the "CC" button in the bottom right corner of your screen to turn subtitles on.) The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). +

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Machine Learning merken
Machine Learning

Coursera (CC) | Mountain View, CA

About this course: Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI. In this class, you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself. +

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Pre-Calculus: Functions merken
Pre-Calculus: Functions

Coursera (CC) | Mountain View, CA

The course is designed to help prepare students to enroll for a first semester course in single variable calculus. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Solve linear and quadratic equations 2. Solve some classes of rational and radical equations 3. Graph polynomial, rational, piece-wise, exponential and logarithmic functions 4. Find integer roots of polynomial equations 5. Solve exponential and logarithm equations 6. Understand the inverse relations between exponential and logarithm equations 7. Compute values of exponential and logarithm expressions using basic properties. Created by: University of California, Irvine: Taught by: Dr. Sarah Eichhorn, Associate Dean, Distance Learning & Tenured Lecturer. +

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How Things Work: An Introduction to Physics merken
How Things Work: An Introduction to Physics

Coursera (CC) | Mountain View, CA

Commitment 11 hours of videos and assessments Language English, Subtitles: Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Chinese (Simplified), Italian, Korean, Japanese How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.8 stars Average User Rating 4.8See what learners said Travail en cours Chaque cours fonctionne comme un manuel interactif en proposant des vidéos préenregistrées, des quiz et des projets. Aide de la part de vos pairs Connectez-vous à des milliers d'autres étudiants et débattez sur des idées, discutez le contenu du cours et obtenez de l'aide pour en maîtriser les concepts. Certificats Obtenez une reconnaissance officielle pour votre travail et partagez votre réussite avec vos amis, vos collègues et vos employeurs. +

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A developer's guide to the Internet of Things (IoT) merken
A developer's guide to the Internet of Things (IoT)

Coursera (CC) | Mountain View, CA

Once enrolled you can access the license in the Resources area The Internet of Things (IoT) is an area of rapid growth and opportunity. Technical innovations in networks, sensors and applications, coupled with the advent of 'smart machines' have resulted in a huge diversity of devices generating all kinds of structured and unstructured data that needs to be processed somewhere. Collecting and understanding that data, combining it with other sources of information and putting it to good use can be achieved by using connectivity, analytical and cognitive services now available on the cloud, allowing development and deployment of solutions to be achieved faster and more efficiently than ever before. +

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Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies merken
Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies

Coursera (CC) | Mountain View, CA

Do you want to be updated on the newest developments in urban sanitation planning and programming? Do you want to get insights about best practices examples of urban sanitation systems in low- and middle-income countries? If yes, this course is for you! The course starts with an introduction about integrated sanitation planning, dealing with citywide planning as well as with planning for specific contexts such as informal settlements. After presenting different sanitation planning frameworks you will learn about the different systems and technologies – the key terminology and concepts and why systems’ thinking is crucial for urban environmental sanitation. The course covers the whole sanitation chain providing detailed information about appropriate sanitation systems (e.g. waterless pit-based, decentralized water-based, black water transport). +

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