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Weiterbildung im Bereich EC Council auf www.jobbörse.de

39 EC Council Weiterbildungen auf Jobbörse.de

EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) merken
EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH)

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH | Berlin, Frankfurt, München, Hamburg

Voraussetzungen: Um die EC-Council CEH Zertifizierungsprüfung ablegen zu können, hat der Kandidat zwei Möglichkeiten: Besuchen Sie das offizielle Network Security Training von EC-Council: Wenn ein Kandidat eine offizielle EC-Council-Schulung entweder in einem akkreditierten Schulungszentrum, über die iClass-Plattform oder an einer anerkannten akademischen Einrichtung absolviert hat, ist der Kandidat berechtigt, die entsprechende EC-Council-Prüfung abzulegen, ohne den Bewerbungsprozess zu durchlaufen. Versuchen Sie die Prüfung ohne offizielles EC-Council Training: Um zur EC-Council CEH-Prüfung zugelassen zu werden, ohne an einer offiziellen Netzwerksicherheitsschulung teilzunehmen, muss der Kandidat mindestens 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich der Informationssicherheit haben. Wenn der Kandidat über die erforderliche Berufserfahrung verfügt, kann er ein Antragsformular zusammen mit US$ 100,–, einer nicht erstattungsfähigen Gebühr, einreichen. +

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EC-Council Certified Network Defender (CND) merken
EC-Council Certified Network Defender (CND)

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH | München, Hamburg, Berlin

Kursinhalt: Modul 01: Netzwerkangriffe und Verteidigungsstrategien; Modul 02: Administrative Netzwerksicherheit; Modul 03: Technische Netzsicherheit; Modul 04: Sicherheit am Netzwerkrand; Modul 05: Endpunktsicherheit; Windows-Systeme; Modul 06: Endpunktsicherheit-Linux-Systeme; Modul 07: Endpunktsicherheit; Mobile Geräte; Modul 08: Endpunktsicherheit; IoT-Geräte; Modul 09: Sicherheit von Verwaltungsanwendungen; Modul 10: Datensicherheit; Modul 11: Sicherheit im virtuellen Unternehmensnetzwerk; Modul 12: Netzwerksicherheit in der Unternehmens-Cloud; Modul 13: Sicherheit von drahtlosen Unternehmensnetzwerken; Modul 14: Überwachung und Analyse des Netzwerkverkehrs; Modul 15: Überwachung und Analyse von Netzwerkprotokollen; Modul 16: Reaktion auf Zwischenfälle und forensische Untersuchungen; Modul 17: Geschäftskontinuität und Wiederherstellung im Katastrophenfall; Modul 18: Risikovorwegnahme mit Risikomanagement; Modul 19: Bedrohungsbewertung mit Angriffsflächenanalyse; Modul 20: Bedrohungsvorhersage mit Cyber Threat Intelligence. +

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EC-Council Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT) merken
EC-Council Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT)

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH | München

Voraussetzungen: Zwingend vorausgesetzt wird umfassendes Wissen über Penetrationstests in verschiedenen Disziplinen: Windows, IoT, Inline-Abwehr, Automatisierung, Betriebstechnologie und fortgeschrittenen Fähigkeiten in der binären Nutzung. Wer die Zertifizierung anstrebt muss darauf vorbereitet sein, dass nicht nur automatisierte Tools, sondern auch manuelle Fähigkeiten getestet werden. Zielgruppe: Der Kurs richtet sich an diejenigen, die sich intensiv mit Angriffen und deren Abwehr auf das eigene Netzwerk befassen: Penetrationstester, Ethical Hacker, Berater für Informationssicherheit, Security-Tester und -Analytiker, Administratoren (Netzwerk, Firewall, System), Experten für Risikobewertung. Detaillierter Kursinhalt: Module 01: Introduction to Penetration Testing; Module 02: Penetration Testing Scoping and Engagement; Module 03: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); Module 04: Social Engineering Penetration Testing; Module 05: Network Penetration Testing; External; Module 06: Network Penetration Testing; Internal; Module 07: Network Penetration Testing; Perimeter Devices; Module 08: Web Application Penetration Testing; Module 09: Wireless Penetration Testing; Module 10: IoT Penetration Testing; Module 11: OT/SCADA Penetration Testing; Module 12: Cloud Penetration Testing; Module 13: Binary Analysis and Exploitation; Module 14: Report Writing and Post Testing Actions; Appendix A: Penetration Testing Essential Concepts; Appendix B: Fuzzing; Appendix C: Mastering Metasploit Framework; Appendix D: Power Shell Scripting; Appendix E: Bash Environment and Scripting; Appendix F: Python Environment and Scripting; Appendix G: Perl Environment and Scripting; Appendix H: Ruby Environment and Scripting; Appendix I: Active Directory Pen Test; Appendix J: Database Penetration Testing; Appendix K: Mobile Device Penetration Testing. +

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EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) merken
EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH)

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH | Berlin, Frankfurt, München

Voraussetzungen: To qualify for the E|CIH program, one must have at least 3 years of experience working as a cyber security professional. Detaillierter Kursinhalt: Module 01: Introduction to Incident Handling and Response; Module 02: Incident Handling and Response Process; Module 03: First Response; Module 04: Handling and Responding to Malware Incidents; Module 05: Handling and Responding to Emails Security Incidents; Module 06: Handling and Responding to Network Security Incidents; Module 07: Handling and Responding to Web Application Security Incidents; Module 08: Handling and Responding to Cloud Security Incidents; Module 09: Handling and Responding to Insider Threats; Module 10: Handling and Responding to Endpoint Security Incidents. +

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EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) merken
EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA)

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH | Hamburg

Kursinhalt: Introduction to Threat Intelligence: Understanding Intelligence; Understanding Cyber Threat Intelligence; What Organizations and Analysts Expect? Overview of Threat Intelligence Lifecycle and Frameworks. Cyber Threats and Kill Chain Methodology: Understanding Cyber Threats; Understanding Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs); Understanding Cyber Kill Chain; Understanding Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). Requirements, Planning, and Review: Understanding Organization’s Current Threat Landscape; Understanding Requirements Analysis; Planning Threat Intelligence Program; Establishing Management Support; Building a Threat Intelligence Team; Overview of Threat Intelligence Sharing; Reviewing Threat Intelligence Program. Data Collection and Processing: Overview of Threat Intelligence Data Collection; Overview of Threat Intelligence Collection Management; Overview of Threat Intelligence Feeds and Sources; Understanding Threat Intelligence Data Collection and Acquisition; Understanding Bulk Data Collection; Understanding Data Processing and Exploitation. +

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EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) merken
EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI)

Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH | München, Hamburg

Kursinhalt: Computer Forensics in Today’s World; Computer Forensics Investigation Process; Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems; Data Acquisition and Duplication; Defeating Anti-Forensics Techniques; Operating System Forensics; Network Forensics; Investigating Web Attacks; Database Forensics; Cloud Forensics; Malware Forensics; Investigating Email Crimes; Mobile Forensics; Forensics Report Writing and Presentation. Voraussetzungen: IT/forensics professionals with basic knowledge on IT/cyber security, computer forensics, and incident response; Prior completion of EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) training would be an advantage. Zielgruppe: Anyone interested in cyber forensics/investigations; Attorneys, legal consultants, and lawyers; Law enforcement officers; Police officers; Federal/ government agents; Defense and military; Detectives/ investigators; Incident response team members; Information security managers; Network defenders; IT professionals, IT directors/ managers; System/network engineers; Security analyst/ architect/ auditors/ consultants. +

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EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) + Exam voucher [CHFI] merken
EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) + Exam voucher [CHFI]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. | Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTRE, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER

EC-Council’s Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) is the only comprehensive ANSI accredited, lab-focused program in the market that gives organizations vendor-neutral training in digital forensics. CHFI provides its attendees with a firm grasp of digital forensics, presenting a detailed and methodological approach to digital forensics and evidence analysis that also pivots around Dark Web, IoT, and Cloud Forensics. The tools and techniques covered in this program will prepare the learner for conducting digital investigations using ground-breaking digital forensics technologies. The program is designed for IT professionals involved with information system security, computer forensics, and incident response. It will help fortify the application knowledge in digital forensics for forensic analysts, cybercrime investigators, cyber defense forensic analysts, incident responders, information technology auditors, malware analysts, security consultants, and chief security officers. +

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EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) + Exam voucher [ECIH] merken
EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) + Exam voucher [ECIH]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. | VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5), VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTRE

OVERVIEW: Het ECIH; Certified Incident Handling- certificaat geeft u internationale erkenning (vanuit EC-Council) als security professional. Het ECIH examen voucher is bij de 3 daagse cursus inbegrepen. OBJECTIVES: 'Incident Handling and Response' is all about the speed at which your organisation can respond to an attack, and how effectively it responds. On average, it can take over 200 days before an attack is discovered and another 80 days before containment measures are made. CIH) certified program has been designed and developed in collaboration with cybersecurity and incident handling/response practitioners across the globe. The ECIH program focuses on a structured approach to the incident handling and response (IH&R) process. +

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EC Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) + Exam voucher [EDRP] merken
EC Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) + Exam voucher [EDRP]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. | VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER

OBJECTIVES: EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) is a comprehensive professional course that teaches students how to develop enterprise-wide business continuity and disaster recovery plans; EDRP provides the professionals with a strong understanding of business continuity and disaster recovery principles, including conducting business impact analysis, assessing of risks, developing policies and procedures, and implementing a plan. EDRP teaches professionals how to secure data by putting policies and procedures in place, and how to recover and restore their organization’s critical data in the aftermath of a disaster. AUDIENCE: IT Professionals in the BC/DR or System Administration domain; Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Consultants; Individuals wanting to establish themselves in the field of IT Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery; IT Risk Managers and Consultants; CISOs and IT Directors. +

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EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) + Exam voucher [CEH] merken
EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) + Exam voucher [CEH]

Global Knowledge Network Netherlands B.V. | Mechelen, VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER, Amsterdam ARISTO (Teleportboulevard 100), VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTRE, Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5)

The CEH exam can only be attempted if you meet the criteria specified by EC-Council: Have attended the CEH Course with an Authorized EC-Council Provider (Exam Application process not required) or; Have two years work experience in the Information Security domain and able to provide a proof of the same, this will need to be validated through the exam application process. NEXT STEP: Validate your skills further by taking the CEH (Practical) exam. EH Certification Exam: Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking: Cover the fundamentals of key issues in the information security world, including the basics of ethical hacking, information security controls, relevant laws, and standard procedures. +

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