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Führung für jüngere Führungskräfte merken
Führung für jüngere Führungskräfte

ESMT GmbH | ESMT Berlin und online

Vom Mitarbeiter und Kollegen zum Vorgesetzten: Im Mittelpunkt dieses Seminars steht der Aufstieg zur Führungskraft. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Schritt, der weder rein intuitiv noch durch „Learning by Doing“ zu bewältigen ist. Vielmehr bedarf es der gezielten Aneignung neuer Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen. Im Seminar reflektieren Sie, wie Sie sich als Führungskraft autorisieren können. Sie experimentieren mit Führungsstilen, um effektiver auf unterschiedliche Menschen und Situationen eingehen zu können. Sie lernen konstruktive Mitarbeitergespräche zu führen, Konflikte rechtzeitig zu erkennen und diese zu deeskalieren. Wir diskutieren, wie Sie durch das bewusste Einsetzen von bestimmten Teamrollen Ihr Team nachhaltig stärken können. Zudem erhalten Sie einen Werkzeugkoffer an die Hand, wie Sie mit Ihren Stakeholdern umgehen und sowohl vertikal als auch horizontal Einfluss ausüben können. +

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Leading Change merken
Leading Change

ESMT GmbH | Berlin

If you are looking for a German-language program on leading change, we recommend Veränderungsinitiativen führen. Key benefits: Understanding change as a central process of an organization; Receiving a change toolkit and scripts to analyze, initiate and implement change initiatives; Psychological understanding of the impact of change on people and how to address resistance. Topics: Patterns and dynamics of change processes; Main reasons for failure and success of change initiatives; Instruments and tools for change initiatives; Dealing with concerns and resistance to change; Understanding of individual preferences in change interactions; Leading technical and change. Your profile: Executives or senior experts concerned with initiating, managing, or leading change initiatives. +

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Women's Leadership Excellence merken
Women's Leadership Excellence

ESMT GmbH | Berlin

Reach your next level of leadership: In this program, we will explore the excellence that women bring to leadership. Learn how to overcome bias, strengthen your leadership skills, and evaluate your career options in order to maximise your impact and that of your team. Take advantage of a supportive and collaborative environment to enhance your own and others' development. Program highlights; Learn how to leverage your own authentic female leadership excellence: Gain clarity on your next career move and how to keep progressing to the next level of leadership. Become a change maker and foster a more inclusive workplace at your organization. +

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Erfolgreicher Vertrieb in globalen B2B Märkten // Bringing Technology to Market (in englischer Sprache) merken
Erfolgreicher Vertrieb in globalen B2B Märkten // Bringing Technology to Market (in englischer Sprache)

ESMT GmbH | Berlin, Nashville (USA), Peking (China)

In our program, we will teach you how to plan for growth and mitigate risk as a manager in technology-driven B2B markets. To meet the demands of the global business world, the three modules will be run in the US, China, and Europe, bringing together an international group of participants. Key topics: Tackling low-cost competition in global B2B markets; Developing innovative business models; Turning complex services into a profitable business; Developing market-based controlling systems; Optimizing decision making in sales and marketing processes; Negotiating sales success; Achieving sales excellence through leadership; Handling different cultural and political frameworks; Understanding the current drivers of market-oriented management. +

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Solid Growth - Winning with Business Strategies (Strategic Management) merken
Solid Growth - Winning with Business Strategies (Strategic Management)

ESMT GmbH | Berlin

Solid Growth; Winning with Business Strategies will develop and strengthen these skills. It will help you to: Understand and adopt proven frameworks for strategic planning; Evaluate the innovative strategic approaches of other companies and assess their outcomes; Formulate the right strategic response to market trends and changing business environments; Communicate and evaluate strategic ideas more effectively. Is this program for you? This program is for managers involved in strategic decision making in business entities of established corporations as well as executives of young companies. Key topics: Fundamentals of business and corporate strategy; What trends are currently impacting strategies? Thorough methodology for developing and evaluating strategic ideas; Strategic options in global business practice; Communication of strategies to stakeholders. +

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Business Models for a Sustainable Energy Future // Erfolgreich durch die Energiewende merken
Business Models for a Sustainable Energy Future // Erfolgreich durch die Energiewende

ESMT GmbH | ESMT Berlin

During our classes, we want to shed light on the emerging new energy system from a business perspective. We are less concerned with details of regulation and technologies (although, of course, they matter and can trigger important changes), and more so with strategies that established players and new entrants pursue in their quest to benefit from the transition – or merely survive in the years to come. Key benefits: In-depth view into the changes that will shape the energy sector in the future; Enhanced skills with respect to identifying critical information and issues in complex situations and offering new solutions to complex problems; Understand and be able to exploit the potential of technology for innovation and growth, including showing an understanding of the importance of technology in delivering a more sustainable future for business, and being innovative in developing business solutions. +

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Leadership under Pressure merken
Leadership under Pressure

ESMT GmbH | ESMT Berlin

How to deal with complex leadership situations: With corporations facing ever increasing economic, geopolitical, and ecological pressures, there is constant confrontation with new dynamics and risks. This environment calls for a distinctive set of skills that enables managers to identify the sources of volatile situations, evaluate them rapidly, and act effectively. Leadership Under Pressure will show you how to acquire these skills and confidently apply them in a productive manner. You will: Learn from high-reliability organizations, such as those in the military, aviation, and healthcare sectors, about how to successfully handle high-pressure situations: Understand the importance of coping with error: Develop methods for cultivating personal and corporate resilience: Discover means to communicate constructively under stress: As part of the program, you will practice your newly gained skills and insights in flight simulators of Lufthansa Aviation Training with coaching by Lufthansa pilots in a group of 16 participants, maximum. +

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Leading People and Teams merken
Leading People and Teams

ESMT GmbH | ESMT Berlin

The Leading People and Teams program functions as a leadership laboratory, where you can experiment in a challenging but safe environment to uncover your blind spots as a leader and unlock your full potential, while developing strategies that will help you build a strong and aligned team. Benefits: Learn from state-of-the-art research that explores the four complementary facets of successful leadership. Develop your personal leadership vision and get feedback from peers. Individual profiling before the program will help you understand your own decision making style and the strengths of your leadership network, providing a road map to develop it in the right directions. +

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Leading with Psychological Intelligence merken
Leading with Psychological Intelligence

ESMT GmbH | ESMT Berlin

Leading with psychological intelligence builds on the latest research to offer insights into human behavior that will inform new leadership methods and tactics: Learn how to build effective working relationships. Develop methods for leveraging the differing motivations within your team. Find out how to overcome internal barriers to change. Increase acceptance of your ideas and work requests. Pinpoint your most effective leadership style. The number of participants will be significantly lower than in other executive education courses to encourage active involvement and ensure personalized attention. Key benefits: Deepen your understanding of how human behavior plays out within an organization. Grasp the psychology that underpins leadership. +

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Führung von Mitarbeitern und Teams (für erfahrene Führungskräfte) merken
Führung von Mitarbeitern und Teams (für erfahrene Führungskräfte)

ESMT GmbH | ESMT Berlin

Führungskräftetraining für erfahrene Manager zum Ausbau ihrer Führungskompetenzen: Als Führungskraft agieren Sie permanent in einem Spannungsfeld: Sie sollen neue und anspruchsvolle Ziele erreichen und zugleich Ihre Mitarbeiter/innen motivieren, die ein Gefühl von Fortbestand und Sicherheit brauchen. Das Seminar gibt Ihnen für diese Herausforderung die richtigen Werkzeuge an die Hand. Die Themen: Wie mobilisiere ich Mitarbeiter/innen und Teams? Wie kann ich ihre Stärken erkennen und ihre Potenziale fördern? Wie unterstütze und steuere ich ihre Eigeninitiative und Innovationsfähigkeit? Im Seminar analysieren Sie Ihre eigenen Führungskompetenzen, profitieren vom Feedback erfahrener Coaches und können so Ihre Potenziale erschließen. Das Seminar beschränkt sich dabei nicht nur auf Ihre Rolle als Vorgesetzte/r. +

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